The meek shall inherit the earth. Turn the other cheek. Do unto others. Love will keep us together. These are more than just Captain & Tennille hits. They are words torn from the pages of the Bible - words that self-described "Christians" claim to live by, and words that were conveniently forgotten when a Right-Wing Evangelical fascist gunned down an emotionally distraught man in a Colorado Springs Megachurch last weekend. Colorado Springs is only 823 miles from the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
"I was praying to God that He direct me," the proselytizing assassin Jeanne Assam confessed to reporters today. "God made me strong."
How much easier it is to murder someone in cold blood when you have God on your side. It's the same mentality that encouraged armed Christians to slaughter 4,000 inner city blacks in a little place called Jonestown, just 6,548 miles from the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. It's the same religious lunacy that sparked the Holy Crusades, fueled the Spanish Inquisition, justified the slaughter of over 8 million indigenous Americans, and kept Touched by an Angel on the air for nine whole seasons.
Christians are supposed to turn their swords into plowshares, but they have instead fused their faith with the NRA and the GOP to create an American Taliban full of gun-toting Bible freaks who quote scripture and open fire on anyone who proudly expresses his burning hatred for the Christian religion. It's only a matter of time before Assam and her fellow jackboots start going around door-to-door, killing any liberal democrat they can find while Shrub watches approvingly from his stolen throne.
Was the man that Assam murdered mentally disturbed? Perhaps. Did he hate Christians? Who Doesn't? But did he deserve to be executed by a militant Jesus freak? Absolutely not. In a perfect world, Assam would be locked up instead of lionized. Unfortunately, she has about as much of a chance of being brought up on charges as I have of walking on the moon.
The moon is approximately 238,857 miles from the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.