It’s been a while since we’ve opened the Big Bag o’ Hate Mail, and it’s chock full of hate-spewing, right-wing nastiness. Light blogging notwithstanding, I seem to have pushed all the right buttons the past few months. Even the clergy wants me dead:
Pastor Chad Martens at Oak Grove Christian Church dispenses with all that crap in the Bible about the Golden Rule and writes:
You should be tried as a traitor of the state, and hung [sic]!
What would Jesus do? He’d stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and go to college!
In between performing exorcisms on autistic kids, GATBOOTY proselytizes:
To who ever wrote this crap is under control of Satanical Spirits, this is someone who has nothing better to do then to destroy himself to a nasty death....For surely to say that the Mayflower Pact was some kind of flesh eating orgy is a jealous idiot....For someone myself who's family has been here since 1640 and who read alot of the hand written notes from that peroid this person is certainly demented......Rabbits, quail, and deer were all over the place and it was veggies that these people lacked....not the other way around...keep dreaming you jealous perverted soothsayer.........make a movie..I'm sure Micheal Moore would love it especially the 9/11 folly about Bush.......oh and how come you didn't mention how bush commendured hurricane Katrina with special satelites to gear it towards New Orleans and then he went out the nite after the storm hit, he and Navy Seals swam under the lake and blew up the levies. Imagination like this is proof there really is a devil and you are it....
1640, eh? Very impressive. Most bloodlines tend to peter out after a few generations of inbreeding, but you’ve managed to pull it off for 366 years. It has obviously taken its toll, though. My advice would be to turn of Faux News, stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and go to college. Perhaps then you’ll be able to correctly read those “handwritten notes” and learn the truth about the murdering ways of your great, great, great, great, great Uncle Cleatus...who was probably also your sister.
Kent Schwiesow blubbers:
Your complete lack of intelligence and ability to properly use the English language is astounding. This is in addition to your inability to have an original thought. You have my sympathy. I salute Ann Coulter for her intelligence and courage, and I can only feel sorry for idiots such as you.
Please. Obviously, you haven’t even bothered to read Coulter’s book, or you’d have nothing but contempt for her. You come to this argument unarmed and intellectually impotent, my friend. How can one present any sort of rational, logical argument in favor of Witchypoo when they haven’t even opened one of her books and seen for themselves the litany of lies and hatemongering filth printed within? Don’t play me for a fool, sir! I haven’t the time nor patience for Coulter's tripe, let alone yours!
As if one ignorant Coulterfreak wasn’t enough, douglas bushman chimes in:
I must confess I really enjoyed your atricle about Ann Coulter. It really made my day.
I have read her articles over the years and also her detractors and I must say you fit her description of the godless left to a tee. Your statement "Right-wing hatemonger and purveyor of hate, Ann "Nazi Bitch" Coulter" did you actually think about what you were saying? You who are the party of love and acceptance use the most vile language possible. Would the Savior of the world would refer to her breasts as you did?
What a fine example of Christianinity you are. You don't have the testicles to say this to the face of a marine in Iraq cause he would pull your pants down, and show everyone what a pathetic little coward you are and spank you execpt you would find this arousing.
I have heard soldiers describe the pathetc liberals are making the war more difficult for them and they see you as the gutless, whinning cowards that you are.
You don't have the courage to debate her points so you just spew venom just as she said you would. The hilarious part is she is totally using you to sell her book.
Keep it up, I need the laughs. It is obvious you have romantic feelings for her or you wouldn't be so wound up. The reality is she would never even consider you a man enough to date when she controls someone so pathetic as you.
Move to France and get you a pet Frog111
Romantic feelings for a wealthy conservative blonde woman who bathes regularly, has never had an abortion, and doesn’t want or already have a penis of her own? Sir, I am a progressive liberal. Don’t insult me.
Dave Townsend took issue with my negative review of the racist propaganda flick, Man on Fire:
Somehow I stumbled onto your "site". I will simply state that you are an absolute moron in every sense of the word. Thank God you are WAY WAY in the minority. Nutter.
That’s just like you cons. Always thinking in absolutes. I bet you’d get along just fine with this next guy.
Shawn Hare fantasizes like a true con:
Now more than ever I want to advance my plans to become dictator of the USA so that I can rid this country of ignorant purile turds such as yourself.
Have a nice day
First they came for the Turds, and I said nothing. Then they came for the Assholes, and still I said nothing. Then finally, they came for me, but no one was left at Jim McDermott's office to answer the phone.
Stan cleverly suggests I leave the country:
If you wrote this article I invite you to leave the country, obviously you are not happy here. Why stay in a place you are not happy. May I recommend Cuba, Iran, Syria, South Africa, Myanmar, and other totalitarian countries too numerous to name.
Thanks, Stan, but it’s up to me to defend this country against fascists such as yourself.
Actually gutless people like yourself should be thankful for veterans like myself.You have the freedom to open your mouth and name call to your hearts content due to the sacrifices of us vets. The freedoms you have are a direct result of
men and women who had the guts to defend this country.I would love to see you run off at the mouth like this in a country like the ones I mentioned. You would be either imprisoned or shot.
I'll be you have no idea what a real fascist is. Look in the mirror, theres one right there!
I pray to God that your hate will turn into something more useful.
God Bless You
Sorry for being rude back there, Stan. If I had known you were a veteran, I would have told to you to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and go to college.
Here’s another doozy from an aspiring nazi jackboot:
Dear Gentleman (though I probably should not address you as such: one has to be a man before he can be a gentleman),
I found this site by accident and I am sorry I did. I was not going to give your misguided and shit-filled beliefs that could only come from a state of delirium any credit by e-mailing you, but I came upon the part of your site describing our "murderous" troops.
I am seventeen years old and am going to enlist when I graduate high school. I intend to be a Ranger and then go into Special Forces or Delta Force, so I was deeply angered at your comments. The only reason you have the right to make those completely false comments is because of those troops you think so lowly of. Men are dying for the principles that allow you to degrade those very men. In my opinion you are a sniveling, yellow-bellied coward who has no morals or principles.
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling of a person who thinks that nothing is worth war is much uglier. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight-nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety and well being is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made so by the exertions of better men (our soldiers,) than himself." John Stuart Mill was correct when he spoke these words and describes you perfectly.
Because of my belief in the teachings of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I have refrained from unleashing my anger in this e-mail and have been surprisingly polite and un-profane, considering the piece of trash (you, if your warped and delirious mind can not figure that out) I am talking to. Thankyou for your time.
Very unrespectfully,
Lane Cash Reeder,
Proud descendent of
Scottish Highland Warriors
and Soldiers of the Confederate
States of America and the United
States of America.
Johnny Rambo, joinin' the Army! Gonna be a Ranger, gonna kill himself some brown-skinned folks! Actually Lane, you have my respect, despite all that jingoist propaganda you probably heard on Rush Limbaugh and then proceeded to vomit all over my blog. Any guy who is in touch with his feminine side enough to wear a skirt can’t be all that bad. It's a shame Bush won't allow you to touch your feminine side any more when you get into the Army. My advice would be to ixnay all that Delta Force crap and go to college.
Oblivious to the irony, zac hare thinks I’m weird:
ok wierd guy i admit even as a conservative republican that some of your write ups a funny pending on the fact that i hope you are kidding. other than that i think your a frikin idiot. you should be happy our president is protecting our lives which i may add we take for granted. plz dont tell me you think hes an idiot for sending us into the middle east because with out
him doing that you could hve been killed by another mass terrorist attack. email me back if you have anything smart to say. but most liberals can
come back with anything.A conservative
P.S. if your gonna have your own website learn to spell.
Gee, thanks Zac Hare. I guess with all the years I’ve devoted to getting university degrees, I’ve never had time to listen to Rush Limbaugh and get a REAL education.
I case you were wondering, not all my hate mail comes from drooling conservatives. Sometimes, one of our very own will drop me a line:
Karl writes from the state where Wally Mondale roams free:
I'm a student from Minnesota, (incidentally a continuous Dem. state) and I have been reading your
blog for some time now. I have only a few things to say...While I find it humorous when you rat on Republicans and our wanna be president, it's hard for me to rationalize the amount of heresay and just plain made up rants that you put in there. In your last hate mail blog, you said that you are just trying to have a "serious debate". That's kind of hypocritical, considering the truths that you stretch look like Bush getting sucked through a black hole. There is so much incriminating substance that doesn't need to be embellished, and I wish you would stick more to that, because sometimes your blogs gives Dems a bad name.
Hearsay and made up rants? That's a little harsh, dontcha think, Karl (cool name, by the way)? Sure, I'll embroider the truth a little bit now and then, but it's still the truth. For instance, I've taken some heat for saying that Bush drowned 1 million Black people in New Orleans, and I'll be the first one to admit that the number is a little low. But you have to realize that I have a good deal of conservative readers who can't count past the last toe on their right foot. Once you get up over five or more zeros, they tend to tune out. If we don't keep these morons hanging on our every word, they'll run over to Faux News. Thanks for the advice, though.
Finally, Johna became mesmerized by the Bush image on the blog and wrote:
He looks like a Monkey (sorry monkeys) and acts like one too!!
I h a t e the man
Finally, email from someone with half a brain!
With that, it’s time to close up the Big Bag o’ Hate Mail once again. Keep those cards and letters coming, conservofascists!