In the wake of the recent violence in Mumbai, U.S. intelligence agencies confessed to having warned Native American authorities that an attack was imminent.
Well, too little, too late, fellas. If the so-called "terrorists" had known that Bush was listening in on their phone calls, they probably would've called the whole thing off weeks ago. But the Shrub kept it all a big secret, and now hundreds of innocent people are dead - including the so-called "terrorists".
This is this problem inherent with Bush's domestic spying program as well. Even if he was actually eavesdropping on so-called "terrorists" and not on working families, the shroud of secrecy surrounding such a scheme wouldn't discourage any attacks. In fact, it would instill so-called "terrorists" with a sense of confidence that their plotting had gone undetected. Bush may think he's saving lives by spying on so-called "terrorists" without their knowledge, but he's really just setting us all up for another Mumbai.
Oh well. When Obama assumes the throne next month, Bush's high crimes will all be a thing of the will that distinctive clicking sound I hear in the background whenever Nancy Pelosi and I are having phone sex.
I wonder if the Native American authorities tried to repress this information.
Posted by: :p | December 03, 2008 at 06:17 PM
Hear former Republican speechwriter discuss how Anarchism is what Republicanism was supposed to be like. I must warn my poor friends on the right that the entire video is 1:13 long so it may be about 1:12 too long for your attention span.
Posted by: kb | December 03, 2008 at 06:32 PM
"I must warn my poor friends on the right that the entire video is 1:13 long so it may be about 1:12 too long ..."---KKKidByrd
A. We're not poor.
B. We're not your friends.
C. If you're the one providing the 1:13 video, it's exactly 1:13 too long.
Posted by: The Exorcist | December 03, 2008 at 07:20 PM
I'm guessing those authorities were too busy shaking the smallpox out of the blankets Bush sent them to change their terror alert level from Untouchable to Sacred Cow.
Posted by: Fist of Etiquette | December 03, 2008 at 07:54 PM
If that's the case, KB, then welcome to the GOP.
And LibLar got it perfectly. Since the intel gathering is done in secret the fact they don't know they're being monitored leads them to be brazen and plot. Classic leftish thinking.
Posted by: Intellectual Conservative | December 03, 2008 at 08:19 PM
I have been looking at the map of Kenya and I still have not found Mumbai. Can someone help me find it?
I want to send in a UN Peace Keeping force.
Posted by: Barack Hussein | December 04, 2008 at 12:18 AM
buttcystsucker said:
"I must warn my poor friends on the right that the entire video is 1:13 long so it may be about 1:12 too long ..."---KKKidByrd((Odd that he would put KKK by MY name given that he's MUCH more sympathetic to these folks than I've ever even hinted at being))
"A. We're not poor."
Well, I didn't mean monetarily. Morall you're most definitely bankrupt.
"B. We're not your friends."
That's your problem.
"C. If you're the one providing the 1:13 video, it's exactly 1:13 too long."
And this is usually how you determine your responses. Oh, perhaps you thought I meant 1 minute and 13 seconds? Regardless, still too long. But let's take this a little further. How would YOU know if it's too long? Are you simply making this determination from the length? I mean, you haven't looked at it, so you REALLY have no way of knowing. That being said, were you to magically escape from your mental shackles some day, and actually watch the material, and then make, or try to make, an intelligent response, well, perhaps you'd learn something. It's not like you don't need to. Read any Chomsky lately, exoriatedbuttcystsucker?
ICantstandNOTbeinginacultfoundedbyachildrapist said:
"If that's the case, KB, then welcome to the GOP."
Time to rip on the Democrats if they start Bushing up things.
*bigger smirk*
"And LibLar got it perfectly. Since the intel gathering is done in secret the fact they don't know they're being monitored leads them to be brazen and plot. Classic leftish thinking."
You sound as if you think I'd care if I were being monitored. What on earth for? And I'm afraid that "leftists" are often comuter savvy enough to know when they're being monitored given that they are the ones who developed the system in the first place much of the time. What do you think is "brazen"? Demonstrating repeatedly that you haven't a clue as to what democracy means? Demonstrating repeatedly that your thinking is quite totalitarian? Please explain. I left a LONG bio of a true American military man the other day and don't remember you responding to it. Perhaps given that your a bottom feeder, in more ways than one it would appear, when compared to HIS military service, you are showing respect for your elder, your much more honest and intelligent elder that is, by keeping your drooling trap shut. Eh?
"I have been looking at the map of Kenya and I still have not found Mumbai. Can someone help me find it?"
Quit buying your maps at the Republican National Convention.
"I want to send in a UN Peace Keeping force."
I believe on your map the letters "UN" refer to UN- as in 'UNable to read', 'UNable to think', 'UNable to stop demonstrating my lunacy'.
Posted by: kb | December 04, 2008 at 12:42 AM
"In the wake of the recent violence in Mumbai, U.S. intelligence agencies confessed to having warned Native American authorities that an attack was imminent."
As a ¼ Native American (Cherokee) I feel compelled to correct your mistake.
However, as a thinking adult...I know better than to try.
Posted by: camojack | December 04, 2008 at 12:55 AM
St. Barrack Hussein...Mumbai isn't in Kenya!
You shoulda done yer homework back in the madrassa!
If you'd gone to a decent school here in Jesusland you'd know that Mumbai is in Indiana!
Posted by: Schnockers The Cat | December 04, 2008 at 01:36 AM
Pass the bong to Schnockers the Cat!
Posted by: African Moonbat | December 04, 2008 at 05:59 AM
Interesting. And chomstein you are usually sharper than this. Bush pulled a slight of hand on you, and you got beat. All the while you were focusing on this his body count went up one!
Odetta Holmes dies at 77; folk singer championed black history, civil rights,0,3506918.storylink
Posted by: Ed | December 04, 2008 at 07:49 AM
"How would YOU know if it's too long?"---KKKidByrd
Because you choked on it.
Posted by: The Exorcist | December 04, 2008 at 08:44 AM
That would be a Clinton-era map, since the ones they issued to the AF resulted in the bombing of the Chinese Embassy during Bosnia.
Posted by: Wordsmith Apprentice | December 04, 2008 at 08:51 AM
'UNable to stop demonstrating my lunacy'.
Posted by: kb | December 04, 2008 at 12:42 AM
Yet again, kb demonstrates that he is compulsive about his idiocy.
Did anyone tell Ward Churchill the Native Americans were being monitored? I would support a UN peace-killing mission to Mumbai, as soon as I find out how to spell it.
Posted by: Wordsmith Apprentice | December 04, 2008 at 08:53 AM
"I would support a UN peace-killing mission to Mumbai, as soon as I find out how to spell it."---WA
It's spelled BOMBay.
Posted by: The Exorcist | December 04, 2008 at 09:34 AM
From the link above,
US 'warned India before Mumbai attacks'
Unnamed Bush official's statement adds to criticism of Indian government's lack of preparedness
And what about warning the terrorists of an attack by the police/military???
Shouldn't we also let the terrorists prepare for an attack by the police/military?
It would only be fair.
Terrorists have human rights too, they are humans too you know, they need love like we all do you know!!!!111!!11!!1!
Posted by: Friend of USA | December 04, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Read through the LINK that Larry provided. There is no info about how many, what they were going to do and what specific city/town/hotel and other important stuff like that. I also did not see how long ago they told the Indian's. Could have been days/weeks/months/years ago?
So, with little or no real info what do you expect? The commando team was in Delhi. And it took them a while getting the best airfare rate on Obviously the India's elite thought we meant Delhi. The only thing that I can think of that the government should have done was drain the Indian Ocean, that would have given the Mooselim followers pause.
Posted by:! | December 04, 2008 at 12:16 PM
Notice the Bushies wait until the housing market has completely collapsed before they make their cut-rate purchase. I knew we'd eventually find out why Bush forced the Democrats to destroy the economy with their crooked Fannie/Freddy connections, lead by that cocksucking cocksucker who sucks cocks, Barney Frank.
The White House confirmed Thursday that the Bushes have purchased a house in Dallas’ Preston Hollow neighborhood for the couple to live in after his presidency ends in January.
Posted by: The Exorcist | December 04, 2008 at 12:34 PM, the reason they had to go to Travelocity was because they puked when William Shatner told them to 'go lower.'
Posted by: :p | December 04, 2008 at 01:18 PM
"Notice the Bushies wait until the housing market has completely collapsed."--Exorcist
You mean until American capitalism has collapsed and has to be bailed out by the Federal Govm't.
"with their crooked Fannie/Freddy connections"
Nobody here seems capable of talking about anything only "Fannie/Freddy ". It's called having your head in the sand.
"At the beginning of 2008, Wall Street, the world’s main stock platform, listed five investment banks: Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. This kind of bank is not involved in holding deposits and issuing credits, as commercial banks do. Instead, they directly buy stocks and bonds in corporations, form portfolios out of these, and then sell of stakes or trade the securities in their portfolios.
"Typically, they also provide consulting services for the preparation of mergers and acquisitions (M&As), act as guarantors when stock is issued, and so on.
"The total assets of the Five at the beginning of this year were valued at over US $4 trillion ...
"The first to collapse was Bear Stearns. In March 2008, it was bought out by JP Morgan for US $2.2bn, on condition that the US Federal Reserve gave Bear Stearns US $30bn to cover bad debts, that is, those what were unlikely to be paid in time or in full. The bank was bought at US $10 a share, although at the beginning of 2007, its stock was worth 17 times more.
"On 14 September, Lehman Brothers announced that they were filing for bankruptcy with the courts, while Merrill Lynch sold to the Bank of America for US $50bn that same day. When the market lost three of its five investment banks, pressure on the two that remained grew fierce. On 21 September, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were forced to register with commercial banks. As of now, these two financial institutions can borrow from the Fed should the need arise."
Citibank got a $300 billion bailout just when the Mumbai attacks were happening. I suppose you were too busy looking at the carnage to even notice.
Posted by: me24 | December 04, 2008 at 01:26 PM
Larry's link:
"The US warned India before the Mumbai attacks, a senior Bush administration official said today, fuelling criticism of the Indian government's lack of preparedness.
"According to an unnamed official, the US told Indian officials that terrorists appeared to be plotting a water-borne attack on India's financial capital."
I wonder will anyone ever ban the media from using the old "unnamed source", i.e. leak, or planted story.
I'm sure the USA had all the details, right down to the terrorists' underwear. Crafts to be used, timing, weapons to be used, code names, ... These terrorist types talk openly on phones and send each other explicit text messages every day! Plus emails saying "See you at the landing stage in Mumbai at 3 then. Don't forget the bombs!" They're SO stupid one would wonder how they ever manage to carry out any attacks at all. Don't forget, they're pussy-Muslims, according to Exorcist.
Sure. The USA told the Indians in detail and the silly stupid Indians did nothing.
Posted by: tom | December 04, 2008 at 01:46 PM
"There is no info about how many, what they were going to do and what specific city/town/hotel and other important stuff like that."!
At Larry's link, the financial capital of India is mentioned. That's Mumbai.
"I also did not see how long ago they told the Indian's. Could have been days/weeks/months/years ago?"
Excellent point, my dear.
Posted by: tom | December 04, 2008 at 01:51 PM
"I also did not see how long ago they told the Indian's. Could have been days/weeks/months/years ago?"
Excellent point, my dear.
Posted by: tom
Even local fishermen were warning the authorities.
CNN has a pretty good article about what warnings were given to India.
Posted by: zooommer | December 04, 2008 at 02:28 PM
If Ebay had a mother, what would she be called?
Posted by: Friend of USA | December 04, 2008 at 03:49 PM
If Ebay had a mother, what would she be called?
Posted by: Friend of USA
Painful fousa, painful.
Posted by: zooommer | December 04, 2008 at 04:09 PM