A shocking new survey has revealed that 4 out of every 10 babykilling troops are so emotionally disturbed that they would torture a terrorist just to save the life of a brother-in-arms.
Of course, it’s no surprise to any of us that the troops are mentally ill – you can tell that just by the way they vote. However, the results of this study raise the serious question as to whether our babykilling troops are psychologically sound enough to participate in future elections. They are certainly too unstable to be trusted with the so-called “right” to possess firearms. Unless we want a repeat of what happened at Virginia Tech, all active military personnel must be disarmed immediately before they hurt someone.
Yet despite all the gloom and doom, there is a silver lining to the dark cloud of fear this survey evokes. If 40% of our babykilling troops would torture a terrorist to save a fellow soldier, then 60% of them would gladly allow their fellow soldiers to die to insure that no terrorists are harmed. That suggests that human rights groups such as Amnesty International have had a significant effect on how the babykilling troops conduct themselves abroad. We’re still a long way from troops torturing fellow soldiers in order to save the life of a terrorist, but this survey may nonetheless be a sign that a staunchly Republican constituency is finally starting to inch to the left.
We can only hope.
Posted by: Bush4Ever | May 11, 2007 at 06:12 PM
If we can get solid evidence that The Bu$Hitler KKKrime Regime has turned innocent young persyns into low IQ, sluggish, dull, stupid, baby-raping, -killing, -beating, -murdering, -torturing, -eating Red State drooling rednecks (BUT I SUPPORT THE TROOPS) then maybe they can be finally investigated, indictd, arrested, frog-marched in the streets of Washington DC, tried, convicted, and impeached, impeACHED, imPEACHED, IMPEACHED, IMPEACHED, IMPEACHED, IMPEACHED, IMPEACHED!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Bush4Ever | May 11, 2007 at 06:29 PM
My god this site cracks me up every time. I wonder if any leftards actually see their stupidity mirrored here. Nah the blind cannot see.
Posted by: Jenn | May 11, 2007 at 08:38 PM
If 40% of our babykilling troops would torture a terrorist to save a fellow soldier, then 60% of them would gladly allow their fellow soldiers to die to insure that no terrorists are harmed.
No gray areas?
Posted by: camojack | May 11, 2007 at 10:29 PM
Does it strike anyone else that the idea of even having a military in this day and age is a little bit archaic and, well, barbaric? I mean, really.
Posted by: Fist of Etiquette | May 12, 2007 at 03:33 AM
"Does it strike anyone else that the idea of even having a military in this day and age is a little bit archaic and, well, barbaric?"
When I meet low-IQ, drooling, moronic, redneck thugs in uniform (BUT I SUPPORT THE TROOPS), I like to point out how their mortar shells and rockets and missiles are all shaped like phallic symbols to make up for the lack of penis size that is prevalent among evil shrieking hateful spiteful screaming unhinged evil hate-filled evil Reich-Wing Re-thug-li-KKKan KKKonservative KKKhristians. One of those simpleton idiots in uniform (BUT I SUPPORT THE TROOPS) who has something called a "P.H.D." tried to confuse with some aero-die-nam-ik stuff. But I know better. Don't we all?
Posted by: Bush4Ever | May 12, 2007 at 04:22 AM
Aha! I showed this brilliant PROOF from Larry to my stoopid Marine Corp brother and he agreed that he would torture some "terrorist scumbag" to save his "Marine Brothers!"
I called the police to have my brother arrested but instead those fascist pigs took my brother's side and confiscated my medical marijuana garden!! I'm off to the county jail, but I'll post more when I make bail.
I personally hold Bush responsible for this travesty!
Posted by: Arbiter | May 12, 2007 at 07:00 AM
The reason why the missiles are shaped like phalluses is because they screw everything up for the followers of the religion of peaceful jihad. It is also because MEN (hello) designed them. Andrea Dworkin and Susan Sonntag broke the code and spent the rest of their lives speaking this truthiness to power.
Posted by: aha | May 12, 2007 at 08:09 AM
I called the police to have my brother arrested but instead those fascist pigs took my brother's side and confiscated my medical marijuana garden!! I'm off to the county jail, but I'll post more when I make bail. --Arbiter
Oh, are you lucky, Arbiter! You're going to get to meet Sheriff Joe! Say hi to him for me, willya?
Posted by: JannyMae | May 12, 2007 at 09:46 AM
Sheriff Joe will torture you.He puts you in tent city just to soften you up.
Posted by: jainphx | May 12, 2007 at 10:29 AM
I question the timing.
Sorry, just practicing.
Posted by: Jay Guevara | May 12, 2007 at 10:33 AM
So...Der ChimpenReichsFuhrer has decided to ask persyns in the military to actually do something like find, fight & kill the enemy instead of letting them fill out forms, march, and salute the flag? I'd say that this is a clear mandate for surrendering immediately in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Phrance, Mexico & Canada.
Posted by: Bush4Ever | May 12, 2007 at 12:04 PM
I've been out of the military for more than 25 years and I'd torture a terrorist just to watch him squirm. Of course, I'd have the good taste and decency to kill him right after I got some useful information out of him. That would be the least I could do to accomodate his heavenly delusions.
Posted by: The Exorcist | May 12, 2007 at 12:41 PM
"I've been out of the military for more than 25 years and I'd torture a terrorist just to watch him squirm."
I'd heard from Courician "some people" that nail guns used on the kneecaps of Islamic Fundamentalist Freedom Fighters might get them to answer some questions truthfully.
Posted by: Bush4Ever | May 12, 2007 at 12:47 PM
"nail guns used on the kneecaps of Islamic Fundamentalist Freedom Fighters might get them to answer some questions truthfully."
As long you provide them with foot baths while you're nailing them, it's perfectly humane.
Posted by: The Exorcist | May 12, 2007 at 01:25 PM
This is great news! I saw on the news that some of bush's waffen SS troop are missing in Iraq! Sould we wait to see how the DNC reacts to this? I mean if they want us to be sad about it I will, but if they want to use this to bash Bu$h I'm down with that as well. We might want to wait and see if the parents of these troops are warmongering Rethugs or brave Democrats and then base our feelings on that.......
Posted by: Dave | May 12, 2007 at 02:10 PM
What really blows my small brain is that most of these bloodthirsty 'troops' will in all likelihood, wind up in some cushy law enforcement gig when they finally retreat..er ah re-deploy back stateside.
And that's because either a) They are the only ones who can maintain a decent gigline (private joke), or b) they can't
find any suitable torture-friendly people in the private sector, so they have to resort to poor inner city residents.
I mean..there's only so many demoliton expert/postal/secutity guard/bouncer slots available...
I for one prefer my stateside torture scenes to be handled this way. It makes for great dashcam and tv shows..
Interesting.. the 40/60 law still in effect.. even in dungeons, and at the book-in.
somehow Bush has to be stopped, we have already had one close call with a major
hurricane that almost sneaked out the back without paying it's toll.
Posted by: csason | May 12, 2007 at 03:24 PM
The good news is that only 12% of the population are veterans. That means that only about 5% of AmeriKKKans would do things that make the rest of us doubt the fairy tale world we're living in. You know, the one where diplomacy always works, homelessness is solved by showing compassion, and magpies don't rob baby birds out of the bird house right outside the dining room table at dinner time.
Our overlords will be much gentler with us if this barbaric learn some friggin' ettiquette. Then we can all live happily ever after.
Posted by: Che | May 12, 2007 at 06:23 PM
Grrr. Make that, Our overlords will be much gentler with us if this barbaric 5% learn some friggin' ettiquette. Then we can all live happily ever after.
Posted by: Che | May 12, 2007 at 06:24 PM
I saw a Star Trek Next Generation episode about that very thing. The veterans of the military were exiled to a moon and wanted to assimilite and Jean Luc told them that the Federation couldn't interfere
with the direction their society was taking, and redeployed to his star ship.
Posted by: aha | May 12, 2007 at 07:00 PM
Oh Crap! And, I mean literally. The one sheet(or maybe she really meant sheep) per person guru, Sheryl Crows Too Much has adopted a 2 week old baby. Does she even realize how many sheets it takes to get the sheet of the bottom of those unaborted feti?? Oh...My...Gaia! She is going to have to purchase some serious carbon offsets for that little off-spring.
Posted by: Kinky Bee | May 12, 2007 at 09:33 PM
that is so ridiculous..So now it's chic to adopt a poor child on Mother's Day..
Or to travel halfway around the world to rescue one little Asian child from being lost in the millions of children...that would/will be lost anyway.
Why, I think the money that will be wasted keepng these children entertained whilst parental units galavant the universe seeking oneness with the Lennon..and how many boot camps we could open.
I think I might be willing to adopt Hugo Chavez, but he would have to be house trained first.
Posted by: csason | May 12, 2007 at 10:00 PM
csason, it is always chic for the rich white liberals to act out their guilt by adopting a member of a minority. ESPECIALLY if it is from a third world country. Not only do they give their bottomless lack of self worth a boost to abysmal, they believe they are setting an example for the rest of our fellow
white oppressors. Never mind the fact that HERE is where we need to begin.
Posted by: aha | May 13, 2007 at 07:04 AM
Ms. Crow has revealed that her son was born two weeks ago. She has shared with us on her website the
fact that they are enjoying some very private family time. Private in that she doesn't want anyone to know she is using disposable diapers.
Posted by: aha | May 13, 2007 at 07:13 AM
yeah..the celebs are like perpetual lotto winners.
All I am saying is I have studied human nature enough to see a pre-Cho scenario
if I've ever seen one.
One day, one of these third-worldian evacuee/rich adoptee is gonna skip the
metaphysical 101 classes somebody signed him up for, and stick his two sheets of toilet paper in somebody's ass.
Posted by: csason | May 13, 2007 at 09:46 AM