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Fascist's Mouth

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First of Etiquette

It's funny because thirty percent of the population are sheeple! Oh wait, that's not that funny at all.

Anyways, how much percent human does one have to be before my marriage is legal in the other forty-eight states?

Oxnard J. Leftleaner

Mr. your daughters support your policy of semi-human sheep? If so, how DARE they not be in a uniform made from their own fur?

Rocky Mtn. Lioness

It's probably a matter of time before Middle Eastern Scientists find goats are at the least 25% human.

The Party of Peace, Love & Compassion

"It's probably a matter of time before Middle Eastern Scientists find goats are at the least 25% human."

They already have. Their name is Mrs. Middle Eastern Scientist.


I guess it’s easier to treat sentient beings like livestock to be bartered and butchered by right-wing hypocrites who would never even consider smothering their own children with mint jelly and gorging themselves upon their sweet, succulent flesh.

I never got that mint jelly business...but I did try it once, just to confirm what I already knew intuitively. I prefer my children plain...

Rocky Mtn. Lioness

Speaking of SHEEPLE! Dolly Dumbya clone & Bush Baaht Tony Blair has silenced intelligent discourse!! :
Poop...err...Snoop Dogg was denied a visa to the UK, so NO SHOW from the American Diplomat and humanitarian. WHY you ask?....DUUHHHH...
P "Vote Or Die" Diddy is on tour with it..err...him. It's barely 2007 and The Shrub is already disenfranchising (overseas) voters. Not to mention AGAIN proving Kanye West true: He don't care about black sheep(le).

Che Gaiavera

I can almost guarantee that that 15% human DNA isn't mine. I won't know for sure until I go on Montel, but that ewe was a lying slut.

PONC MurthaFan

BooooosH LiEd......sHeeplE dyeD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poower to tHe shEeple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wElcome our neW sHeep oveRlords.

too little too late

Baa-ram-ewe, baa-ram-ewe. To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true. Sheep be true. Baa-ram-ewe.

This is the password of the sheep. They'll need a lot of education before they are ready to become part of our big tent. But our education system can do it.

No sheep left behind! NAMSLA is down with this.


can we hire john edwards to sue someone if these sheep contract anal cystst? just curious.


This is just another example of failed agricultural policies of the Bu$Hitler KKKrime Regime!!! Where were they when these sheep were being herded into concentration camps and experimented on? What did Bu$Hitler know and when did he know it?


Larry we needs to start a new group to protect these people. I propose SHEAR, Sheep Human Equality on All Rights!

Equal rights for human sheep, they have a right to vote and a right to marry whatever they want! Can you HEAR, Let's scream SHEAR!


Murtha told me, yes, he told me soldiers are killing machines.
He also told me, "I wasn't like that when I was in the Lady Marines."
Just the other day I heard Pelosi mouthing off some Liberal/Progressive junk that's going round.

Murtha's alright, Pelosi's alright, they just seem a little weird.
Surrender, surrender, and give America away, ay, ay, ay.

Harry Reid says, "Murtha's right, he knows how to cut & run."
"Keep us in office we'll take away your right to own a gun."
Now, I had heard Marines recruited old maids for the war.
Murtha's surely one of those, I've known him all these years.

Murtha's alright, Pelosi's alright, they just seem a little weird.
Surrender, surrender, and give America away, ay, ay, ay.

Whatever happened to all this season's losers of the year?
They got elected by illegals and felons that they got drunk with beer.
When we wake and find Islamic law is now the norm.
We'll have to thank Pelosi and Murtha and all their fellow worms.

Murtha's alright, Pelosi's alright, they just seem a little weird.
Surrender, surrender, and give America away, ay, ay, ay.


Lol, Bubba. You and Larry are geniuses. I am going to do all I can - march with Sean Penn, make a puppet that looks like Bush and hold it up every Wednesday afternoon on the Lake Street bridge so that people driving by can see, go on a bathing strike, (that means no pachuli too,) and possibly set a piece of clothing on fire to prevent people from voting for Bush in '08. It's time to stop the dictator once and for all.


I guess this means we progressyves will have to also advocate man-sheep marriages. Wouldn't want to disenfranchise sheep with 15% humanity coursing through the blood.

BTW, would the female sheeple qualify for government-assisted abortions, too?



As usual, Larry's timing couldn't be better.

"Man keeps 80 sheep in his house, authorities say"

It doesn't say what percentage of these sheep have human genes, but I think we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. So to speak.

The Exorcist

"we progressyves will have to also advocate man-sheep marriages"


Are you telling me that isn't already legal?

"Dolly, back to the barn with Misster Ed"


No justice, No sheep!(justice as we progressives define it)

The Exorcist

This hole sheep sex thing is keeping me up at night. No, no, nothing sexual. I wouldn't dream of having sex with a sheep and my Misster Ed will back me up against the wall in the barn on that.

I'm talking about sleep.

I used to put myself to sleep every night by just counting Democrats. 101 Democats, 102 Democrats....zzzzzz...zzzzzz.

But now that scientists are mixing Democrats in with humans it takes away from the innocence of watching those Democrats frolic in the pastures, leaping over the little fence, heading to the voting booths to vote for al Qaeda enablers.

Aw, the good old days of blissful ignorance that were akin to RockyMyWorld, DaisyMae, Queenky, MeThings and Crikey reading bedtimes stories as they ratcheted-up the stretch-machine.

Guess I'll have to get a Canadian Rx for Ambien.

Nancy Pelosi

Did you know that Barack Obama is very close and strongly connected to the sheep community?
Where do you think he got his name from? Bah'-rack
O-bah'-ma? Bah know like in "bah bah black sheep"?
Nancy P

Jay Guevara

Comrades, you are all qualified to join (as auxiliary members, of course) the new pressure group devoted to sheep equality, the World Organization for Ovine Leadership.

al-Bundy Martyr Brigades

The Brigades just want to check in and deny rumors that we have a connection to the sheep.

We don't. At least, not for more than a few minutes at a time.


As a lyfe long member of PETA, I was thrilled about this. You see, now that sheep are 15% human, I can eat them. It's only true animals that are sacred.




I can almost guarantee that that 15% human DNA isn't mine. I won't know for sure until I go on Montel, but that ewe was a lying slut.

Do you ever write anything that isn't pure art? Jeez, I read this site on my lunch break...and now my laptop is covered in Lays potato chip shrapnel.

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