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Fascist's Mouth

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The End?


Ya know, if his next of kin files a claim, he might be eligible for a solatium payment for $2,500.

That is what our government decided non-American human life is worth.

Mother of all Blog Pimps

I'd bet he wishes he would have stayed out the bushes now, huh Jessie?

Fist of Etiquette

Geez, Carl started at 6:00 AM this morning. I'd say it's about time for him to punch out.


Larry if I didn't know better I would think you were a right wing neo-con trying to spread chimpymcbushitlers fear of custodians.


Well at least they didn't put Christina Aguillera's panties on his head. That would just be cruel.


Ya know, if his next of kin files a claim, he might be eligible for a solatium payment for $2,500.

That is what our government decided non-American human life is worth.

What's the going rate at Planned Parenthood? 50-60 bucks?


"What's the going rate at Planned Parenthood? 50-60 bucks?"

Is that what an abortion costs?

My girlfriend had one about 5 years ago. Spared me the burdon of child support and a screaming baby/psycho ex-girlfriend getting in the way of my Xbox 360 gaming and internet porn masturbation marathons.

Worth every penny if you ask me.


I guess we all owe her a debt of gratitude for that. The gene pool doesn't keep itself clean, you know.

Kinky Bee

You might want to lay off the coffee a bit, Carl.


"I guess we all owe her a debt of gratitude for that. The gene pool doesn't keep itself clean, you know."

As fate would have it, I do have an identical twin who has 5 kids.

I guess as far as the gene pool is concerned, I am a reproductive free rider.


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