When freelance photojournalist Adnan Hajj’s camera caught shocking images of unbelievable destruction brought down upon the peaceloving Hizbollah people by a brutal Zionist aggressor, little did he know it would cause such a firestorm.
It seems the photographs, published by Reuters and described as "IDF forces marching across a field of human skulls while firing indiscriminately at civilians", were actually publicity stills of a popular Arnold Schwarzeneggar film with Hasidic Jewish hats and beards crudely pasted onto evil terminator robots. Reuters later printed a retraction and apologized for the inconvenience. But as they did with the damning memos proving Bush went AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard to snort coke with Hitler, Digital Brownshirts used the debatable authenticity of the photos to cast doubt upon their accuracy.
An incredulous Hajj insisted he had merely enhanced the images to remove dust that collected on his camera lens, but what he photographed was REAL.
“And it's gonna feel pretty f--kin' real to you, too!” he screamed at reporters as the doctors dragged him away. “Anybody not wearing two million sunblock is gonna have a real bad day, get it?! You think you're safe and alive. You're already dead! DEAD! Bhahahahahaaa!!!”
It was a reasonable explanation, but apparently not enough for the Blog Nazis. Reuters was inundated with hate mail until they had no choice but to terminate Hahjj and retract all the photos he took of war-ravaged Beirut, including his Pulitzer-Prize winning image of a bombed-out FAO Schwartz.
Hajj’s work opened the world’s eyes to a level of devastation unseen in Lebanon since the Cartoon Riots. But thanks to the same Little Green Turdballs who swiftboated Dan Rather, an award-winning photojournalist is now out of work.
But the future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. I face mine, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe conservatives can too.
Conservatives learn the value of life? Ridiculous. Not until they support the murde---er, mercy killing of the disabled, and the removal of those parasitic fetuses!
Posted by: JannyMae | August 08, 2006 at 09:16 PM
OMG!!! I love that...
Posted by: camojack | August 08, 2006 at 09:28 PM
Oy Vey !
Posted by: JoeBob | August 08, 2006 at 10:01 PM
The horribly accurate pictures Adnan took reminded me of when I was a prisoner at a Halliburton/MLB concentration camp for progryssyves. Some of us were kept alive... to work... loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps... it was your son, Larry.
Posted by: Bubblehead | August 08, 2006 at 10:17 PM
Hey! I just thought of something...have you ever seen Arnold Schwartenzelweiger eat a ham sandwich?
Well, HAVE YOU!?
Of course you haven't!
It's Zionista plot! A PLOT! I tell ya!
I want my two dollars back for renting Junior back in '98!
Posted by: Mumblix Grumph | August 08, 2006 at 10:25 PM
Don't forget the bypartyte Mapes doctryne:
1) it is the responsibility of anyone who doubts mainstream media documents to prove that they are fake. The MSM does not have to worry about it.
2) There is no amount of evidence that is ever possible to prove MSM documents are fake.
also the famous Kerry corollary
3) Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.
Posted by: aurelius | August 08, 2006 at 10:27 PM
Hilarious! Read about how the entire war is a fabrication. http://lighthorse.blogspot.com/2006/08/major-media-admits-war-is-faked.html
Posted by: ScottSA | August 08, 2006 at 10:43 PM
Thanks to the reich wing hate machine my career as a budding news agency photographer has ground to halt with my images of Amerikkkan-Zionazi atrocities subjected to questions like:
"Are you sure the American soldiers are wearing Ear-necklasses?"
"Since when has there been a Wal-mart in Falujah"
"How did the Israelis get the baby crushing elephants into Lebanon in the first place?"
"How can Adolf Hitler be living on the Bush ranch he must be more than 120 years old?"
Posted by: Menstrual Rainbow | August 09, 2006 at 03:32 AM
I think we're in danger of letting a few enhanced pictures steer us from the truth, a truth that every Hezbollah civilian has known (without the need for photographic evidence) about your average Israeli:
"It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. It can't be jewed down. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are kosher."
Posted by: Fist of Etiquette | August 09, 2006 at 03:40 AM
Damn, and I thought that photo was real. I mean, Muslim freedom fighters wouldn't fake things like that would they? We all know Israel and AmeriKKKa is evil so surely there are plenty of photos where innocent civilians are being directly targetted by Joooooooooos and RethugliKKKans.
Posted by: Libmeister | August 09, 2006 at 04:24 AM
In view of these latest photo revelations, AmeriKKKa must surrender in Iraq. I mean, how do we know it isn't AmeriKKKan special forces disguised as Sunni and Shiite Muslims who are killing all the Iraqi civilians? No doubt photos exist proving this to be true but they've probably either been photoshopped to remove the incriminating evidence or censored. Therefore, the lack of photographic evidence proves my conspiracy theory is true! Disprove that you neo-KKKon fascists!
We must continue speaking truth to power.
Posted by: Libmeister | August 09, 2006 at 04:30 AM
I looked at your HasidicTerminator photo and I think it needs More Smoke.
As for dust, I recommend the Bekaa Valley PCP/Diacetylmorphine Dust. Its so prevalent it sticks to camera lenses.
And, don’t forget to save the Bekaa Valley Gold Hemp.
This is not to devalue the great products of your fine Seattle Hemp facilities.
Posted by: Talking Toaster | August 09, 2006 at 04:47 AM
Oooo, nothing makes my LyfePartner and I angrier than when KKKarl Rovian Mind KKKontrol Brain Waves are used to force Lyberal, I mean, Progressyve medya persyns into doing something that makes them look like the phony lying creepy liars that we all know the Reich-Wing KKKonservative KKKhristians are.
I could not sleep last night.
So I scoured 2000 Ryghtful Presydent Al Gore's Internet and finally found the one photograph that we here can all trust to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER!!!
And you know what I'm talkin' about!
Posted by: Bush4Ever | August 09, 2006 at 05:01 AM
The real question is: Why did the Gropenator create an army of "Hasidic Jewish hats and beards crudely pasted onto evil terminator robots"?
Is he still an anti-semite member of the Nazi party his father founded, trying to portray the Joos in a bad light?
For shame, Arnold. For shame!
I hear that all through the streets of Beruit you can hear: "Come with me if you want to live. And would it hurt you to call your mother? And eat something, would you?"
"I'll be back after medical school."
and "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? Well Bobby Liebowitz's mother called yesterday. He works for a law firm in Manhattan and he paid for his cousin's Bar Mitzfah. What a good boy he is. But you! You want to open a jewelry store in Tyre. Why do you break my heart like this?"
Posted by: Che | August 09, 2006 at 05:39 AM
B4E. Was that one Photoshopped? Hajj is getting better. I couldn't tell.
Posted by: Che | August 09, 2006 at 05:41 AM
Truth is not in whether the pixels are in the right place nor in whether Chimp soils himself because he's too dumb to unzip his pants or is just incontinet. That free-roaming cyborgs are terrorizing a sovereign country at the behest of Jew bankers is truth. That I had an erotic dream where Hillary Clinton, wearing a diaphonous gown which revealed the curves I've longed to caress, whispered in my ear "Come with me, if you want to live." is truth. The rest of this is just Zionish propaganda. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to bed.
Posted by: Moonchild | August 09, 2006 at 05:54 AM
Not that I was looking, but it looks like the mohel got a little carried away with these guys.
Posted by: Che | August 09, 2006 at 06:27 AM
Maybe these words of Nazi symp Gropenator Ahnold in another one of his photoshopped movies is apropos. Remember the scene where he shoots Sharon Stone and then triumphantly declared, "Cahnsider that a deevorce"? That should be our battlecry when we depose McChimpenFuhrer Bu$Hitler....CONSIDER THAT A DIVORCE!
Maybe we can then make peace with Muslim freedom fighters. Surely their threats to impose Muslim sharia upon western nations was but mere bluster made under the duress of having neo-KKKon terminators targeting them since 9/11.
Posted by: libmeister | August 09, 2006 at 06:28 AM
Lar, I've had dreams like that.
I often wake up in a cold sweat and hug my copy of "The people's history of the United States" By Howard Zinn until the pain goes away. I know in my heart the jews are evil but who would have thought they would resort to make someone run fake photos for a paper. I say the photos are fake but accurate.
Thanks to Ned Lamont's landslide victory over the twin forces of RethugKKKillism and Zoinism, we can all rest safe today.
Soon our babykilling troops will be home. Soon global warming will be a thing of the past.Our national debt will be 0.Poverty and racism will end. Soon we'll sign the peace pact with our islamic overlords so the US will make war no more.
Posted by: Dave | August 09, 2006 at 07:03 AM
I was going to post sooner, But I stopped to watch the dancing in the streets over the Lamont victory.
So one photo was "faked". big deal. The repukes steal elections.
I think those zoinist cyborgs stole Cynthia Mckinney's house seat...
Posted by: prancing progressive | August 09, 2006 at 07:26 AM
I dunno Larry.... I happen to agree with the photos. The burden of proof is on the blog nazis. In fact, the picture you're showing is proof that the evil Joooos will stop at nothing to destroy the pacifist hisbolese...
Posted by: Arbiter | August 09, 2006 at 07:56 AM
Hot news on the liberal ... I mean, Progressyve blogosphere:
There was a clandestine interview between Adnan Hajj and Rosh HaMemshala, where, in an unprecedented display of candor, the Israeli Prime Minister revealed his evil nature. Apparently, he is so certain of the imminent triumph of the Zionist plot control the world’s economy with a stranglehold on global banking, that he is unconcerned about the world knowing his awful secret identity.
Adnan Hajj: Now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a terminator, right?
Rosh HaMemshala: Yes. Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101...
Hajj: You're like a machine underneath, right? But sort of alive outside?
HaMemshala: I'm a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
Hajj: This is intense. Get a grip, Hajj. OK, uhm, you're murdering children in Lebanon. So what's the deal?
HaMemshala: My mission is to destroy all who oppose us.
Hajj: Yeah? Who sent you?
HaMemshala: Condoleezza Rice did. Thirty-five years ago, she reprogrammed me to be the destroyer here, in this time.
Hajj: This is deep...So this other robot, Condoleezza Rice? She's a terminator too like you, right?
HaMemshala: Not like me. A T-1000. Advanced prototype.
Hajj: You mean more advanced than you are?
HaMemshala: Yes. A mimetic polyalloy.
Hajj: What the hell does that mean?
HaMemshala: Liquid metal.
Hajj: You're telling me that Condoleezza Rice can imitate anything she touches?
HaMemshala: Anything she samples by physical contact.
Hajj: Get real. Like Condoleezza could disguise herself as an editor for Rueters?
HaMemshala: No, only an object of equal competence.
Posted by: Neocon-pincher | August 09, 2006 at 08:12 AM
Hot news on the liberal ... I mean, Progressyve blogosphere:
There was a clandestine interview between Adnan Hajj and Rosh HaMemshala, where, in an unprecedented display of candor, the Israeli Prime Minister revealed his evil nature. Apparently, he is so certain of the imminent triumph of the Zionist plot control the world’s economy with a stranglehold on global banking, that he is unconcerned about the world knowing his awful secret identity.
Adnan Hajj: Now don't take this the wrong way, but you are a terminator, right?
Rosh HaMemshala: Yes. Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101...
Hajj: You're like a machine underneath, right? But sort of alive outside?
HaMemshala: I'm a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
Hajj: This is intense. Get a grip, Hajj. OK, uhm, you're murdering children in Lebanon. So what's the deal?
HaMemshala: My mission is to destroy all who oppose us.
Hajj: Yeah? Who sent you?
HaMemshala: Condoleezza Rice did. Thirty-five years ago, she reprogrammed me to be the destroyer here, in this time.
Hajj: This is deep...So this other robot, Condoleezza Rice? She's a terminator too like you, right?
HaMemshala: Not like me. A T-1000. Advanced prototype.
Hajj: You mean more advanced than you are?
HaMemshala: Yes. A mimetic polyalloy.
Hajj: What the hell does that mean?
HaMemshala: Liquid metal.
Hajj: You're telling me that Condoleezza Rice can imitate anything she touches?
HaMemshala: Anything she samples by physical contact.
Hajj: Get real. Like Condoleezza could disguise herself as an editor for Rueters?
HaMemshala: No, only an object of equal competence.
Posted by: Neocon-pincher | August 09, 2006 at 08:13 AM
Damn it!
Bush made me double post.
Posted by: Neocon-pincher | August 09, 2006 at 08:14 AM
Great scoop Neo-con Pincher! Any word if Dick Cheney (whose daughter Mary is a devout Lesbian) will be getting him one of those cyborgs when his current ghoulish body gives out?
Posted by: Arbiter | August 09, 2006 at 08:35 AM