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It absolutely boggles my mind, why MORE of our young men and/or women in our armed
forces don't take a stand like this young patriot ! They should know we are
behind them as far as they can throw us.! We WILL stand up to Ol Bushwhacker..we won't let him bomb anymore innocent jounalists, like Al Zarkawee. Amen, brother..I mean Praise Allah !


With more brave soldiers like Ehren Watada, we will soon surrender in Iraq!

Like John Kerry and John Murtha both said today, with Zarqawi dead America must now cut and run from Iraq. It only makes sense since Iraq is just like Vietnam.


you're RIGHT ! Iraq is JUST like Vietnam, says Kerry..except its more difficult
to injure yourself. (and no porn)


Damn right, comrade! It's time the truly brave among us were finally honored. I would love to see out worthless government start "Military Resisters" Day. It has the word "sister" in it, so it could double as a day to honor righteous sisters against the patriarchy, or something.

Red Loser

Larry, all I gotta say is: OUCH.

I mean, uh, truth to power baby!

spd rdr

Why should Ehren Watada (definately a "bong" name, dudes) be caged by the forces of President Chickenhawk, when he would be infinately more valuable proslitzing... proslutizing...prozlez....converting troops in the field about the truth of their mission? Ehren should immediately go back to Iraq by whatever means necessaryand begin awakening the troops there to his vision of the new world order. In fact I have a one way ticket to Bagdad ready in his name, if he'd just return my calls.

Rocky Mtn. Lioness

Hakuna Matata" Watada!

You are our prince of peace and thanks to you, the clock on Peace Mother Sheehans 15 minutes of fame has been re-set indeed!

Gaia bless him for daring to speak out against the fascist, nazi draft!!...He is obviously NOT a warmongrel willingly

Allah Snackbar!

Heywood U. Reedmore

What was most impressive about Watada was his ability to prove Iraq was an illegal war despite the fact he lacks any legal training, as well as how he proved he would be forced to commit war crimes, even though he's never served in Iraq. Truly, he has a great mind.


Still, it is a shame that he didn't get a rusty piece of metal to the head and beaten with a chair.

All in a protest to Bushriech of course.


"If we had more men like...Watada in our armed forces, this horrible war would be over in about five minutes."

Truer words were ne'er spoken...


would be cool to send Mr. Bush Jr a very special gift with a hint - a 3D model toy - The Blame! ... with a personal note inserted in the mouth of the messenger.
I have 10 Blame toys that I can send for free. Let me know if you have more ideas where The Blames should be sent to. ;)


oh yeah... almost forgot the link:


Now this is one troop we Enlyghtened Lyberals, I mean, Progressyves, can REALLY support!!

Menstrual Rainbow

Ehren's brave stand reminds me of my two weeks as a fire fighter many decades ago. Like Ehren my refusal to put out illegal fires was called "shitting your pants" rather than a "profile in Courage". Despite my dissent I was willing to take full part in the morale building, the wages and the uniform wearing but the right not to take part in an unjust firefight was not respected.


This is the kind of courage which inspires. Forced by Bush's cratering economy into the military because they only accept those too moronic to be capable of finding private-sector employment, this young persyn endured years of Chimp-indoctrination and managed to keep enough of a sense of duty, honor, and country to speak truth to power, even though the honorable discharge he deserves will leave hym destitute because he's received only lesssons on how to kill, kill, and kill and still lacks the skills to find gainful employment. If only we lived in a world where courageous, peace-loving people such as Cindy Sheehan can live and thrive when they appear to have no visible means of material support.


If only we lived in a world where courageous, peace-loving people such as Cindy Sheehan can live and thrive when they appear to have no visible means of material support.

I do have one wish myself concerning Mother Peace Sheehan's means of material support....I wish the woman would either wear a bra or tape them down. Ann Coulter she is not.


Now that's a proud/brave/noble soldier we all get behind and support!unlike the mind-numbed robots that had no other choice in life but to jump headlong into the bloodfilled sewer that is bu$s's illegal, immoral war for oil.

To stand in front of the bushitlerhaliburtonzoinistled war machine and yell stop takes true courage, not like bombing a "bad guy" from the safety of 10,000 feet.

I know the rethugs will come after him and he will have to live off the meger money he gets from his book-deal, the speaking engagements, the made for tv movie called "A soldier with true courage", and his tv sit-com deal,his teaching job at harvard, and his radio show on air america. Let's pitch in and help him through his darkest hour!

RWing Nut

I'll save a barstool for this brave young hero, especially if he wants to contribute some of the money he'll be receiving from selling his lyfe story to Mikey Moore, to my liquid assets research fund. I have no health insurance because the Bu$h crime family hasn't given me a job; I have to self-medicate to continue my research.


Has anyone suggested yet that we should surrender IMMEDIATELY in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Phrance and North Korea because of this cowardly act of using aircraft to attack persyns in their houses?

Rocky Mtn. Lioness

I'm just glad St. Ehren's coming out was BEFORE the sensless murder of the prince of piece, Zaq. This way his conscience is cleared of any possible guilt or wrongdoing in this illegal and immoral bombing of this gentle lamb of a misunderstood man.

Let us--the progressyves--continue in our "Make Love~~Not War" campaign by swiftly eliminating from the planet the warmongrelling hate-filled infidel RepuKKKes & Jew...err...Zionistas!

Allah ZaqBomb!!!


Wow. When one hero of the fight against the Bu$hitler Reich falls, another rises to take his place. All hail Ehrin Watada!

Allah KaBoom!


They lied to us and said Benedict Arnold was a traitor too. Hopefully this brave man will never see the horrors of combat and be forced to risk his Hawaiian lyfe for this miserable country. He was basically drafted when he accepted his commision. By avoiding danger and disobeying his orders, he is truly a great Amerikkkan hero. I for one, will be honored to flee to Canada with this patriotic man.


Not only that, his father is a Democrat who protested the Vietnam War and was so proud that his little boy was protesting. So that should put the lie to any well connected sons or daughters of politicians who refuse to service, uh, serve their country.

The Exorcist

This act of heroism reminds me of when I served in the U.S. Navy. This was 30 years ago and took place shortly after Tony Blair's little sister gave me a heart attack. I was young and foolish enough to think that serving my country would be a refreshing change of pace from having rich little Republican kids vomit on me.

Was I ever wrong. First of all, Jimmy Carter got elected half way through my hitch. You'd think that having a President who gave amnesty to the brave men who fled to Cananda rather than fight in our illegal and immoral war in Viet Nam would be a good thing. Wrong!

Let's not forget that Jimmy Carter almost rose to the same level as Fleet Admiral John Kerry did in the U.S. Navy. Had Carter earned the Cap'n Crunch Super Sailor Badge with Clusters and 14 purple hearts Kerry did, he'd have been on the same level. But Carter wasn't brave enough to acquire such shiny ornamentation in 90 days.

You almost can't trust anyone who served in the military, even if they are progressives. It's kind of a bullshit "brotherhood" thing that people who live and die in each other's arms while protecting movie stars, pop singers and other foreign policy experts back at home go through.

Thankfully, this brave young soldier will never be poisoned by such esoteric "camraderie" and will be catching the waves next to Dano, Jack Lord and the rest of gang from Gilligan's Island shortly after he gets out of jail, and recovers from that anoplasty surgery.

I know what all of you are thinking. What can we do to help this hero, Exorcist? I found the following URL that is raising money for this brave soldier's mounting legal fees. Please contribute generously.

Mookie Da Paducah

Yee-ah, boy-ee, whiles you all iz diggin' on dis wack honky mofo what dun tol' Da Bushies ta F demselves, sum wordz has just hit da skreet and deyz sposda be fum da Martyr whut Da Bushies jus' dun killded:

Ah'm here wif Allah and mah 72 bizotches
Dey don' care dat mah face gots splotches
USA-Satan 1-8-7ed mah ass
Muthafuggahz! Charge 'em double fo' da gas!

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