There won’t be a Tower Records or a head shop open for business tomorrow as thousands of progressives plan to walk off their jobs and converge on the nation’s Capitol to forcibly eject the illegal occupiers of the People’s House. Darrow Boggiano of The Political Cooperative - a non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to doing bong hits while playing Xbox Live - is calling on every patriotic American that values democracy to help him throw out the unelected fascists in the White House and replace them with new ones of his choosing. For the sake of the free world, Bush’s bloody reign of terror, genocide, and tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent of Americans must end. Like that romantic revolutionary immortalized by Swedish historians, Boggiano has led a constant struggle against oppression by wearing his Ché Guevara t-shirt to as many poetry slams and liberal circle jerks as possible. Now, he's ready to bravely sacrifice your lives in order to usher in the dawn of a New America.
Boggiano’s New America will be a nation of peace, not war. No longer will American mothers be forced to sacrifice their sons for illegal wars waged for our own selfish interests and without the sanction of France. Disagreements between governments will be settled by listening to one another, not by dropping smart bombs on weddings and baby milk factories, nor on weddings held at baby milk factories. World leaders will put aside their differences and unite under a banner of friendship, sharing their rescources so that poverty and hunger will no longer plague developing nations. Hate and intolerance will be conquered, universal love and harmony will reign supreme, and Nick and Jessica will get back together I just know they will.
The New America will also be a nation of compassion, not greed. Every able-bodied American will be guaranteed their inalienable right to work, and will be required to exercise that right to provide for those who choose not to. In our New America, greedy oil companies will no longer be able to gouge The People at the pump, for gasoline taxes will be raised to $17 a gallon to discourage The People from driving altogether. The capitalist exploitation of labor will be abolished, and corporations will face severe penalties should they make any more profits off the backs of the working poor. Or if they make any profits at all, for that matter.
Our New America, damn you, will be a nation of love, not hate. Men, womyn, transgendered, polygendered, and nongendered alike will be encouraged to explore their sexuality safe from the disapproving glares of organized religion, and will be free to enjoy a life of marital bliss with small rodents, various forms of poultry, and a wide variety of popular houseplants. Racial bigotry of any kind will not be tolerated, and everyone will be treated equally just as soon as the White Devil has paid his debt for the suffering he’s inflicted on people of color for centuries.
The right-wing media will probably use trick lighting and special effects to make it appear as if the thousands in attendance tomorrow are merely a handful of socially retarded freaks with bad skin and silly hats. They’ll wheel out some clown who claims to be Boggiano, and who will insist that he never really meant to “storm the White House”. It was all metaphorical, he’ll say, like the Bible or the 2nd amendment, and not meant to be taken literally. They’ll even accuse Boopidio of “treason” and ignorantly brand him a "traitor". Yet even though it waddles around and emits a funny sound that ignorant minds might misconstrue as “quacking”, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is a duck. Was Jerry Brown a “duck” when he stormed Harper’s Ferry to end the evil institution of slavery? Was George Washington guilty of “quacking” when he told the United States Senate that his entire army was a pack of war criminals that raped cattle and cut off queues in a fashion reminiscent of Jingus Khan? Countless other brave men and womyn such as those are now hailed as heroes. I am sure that in time, history will vindicate Darrel Boppidius as well.
His mom, however, has grounded him for a whole month. Alas, no one is safe from the iron jackboot of fascism. Nonetheless, Boggiano will fight on. Undaunted by those who insist he got one too many wedgies in high school, he will continue his valiant struggle to make it through the eight level of Elder Scrolls without dying, and won’t rest until the dream of a New America has been realized - for you, for me, for liberty: Boggiano!