The Bush Junta has long used the so-called “War on Terror” as an excuse to incite fear and erode our civil liberties. But now shocking new evidence has come to light that suggests Bush may have been defending us against “terrorist attacks” much sooner than we would like to believe – at least before receiving any clear instructions from the 9/11 Commission or the United Nations. It seems that right around the time Bush’s CIA was listening in on the phone conversations of retired beekeepers in Dubuque, Iowa, his FBI began monitoring innocent Muslim sites for radioactivity – and without even bothering to obtain a warrant.
This, the latest of a long list of Bush scandals, is offensive on so many levels. Not only is it a blatant violation of our Constitutional Right to Privacy, but it also presumes that radioactivity is a crime, and one that Muslims are most likely to commit. Most Muslim-Americans who just happen to be highly radioactive - whether as a lifestyle choice or an accident of birth – have never committed an act off terrorism. They live peaceful, law-abiding lives, and should be treated with decency and respect, not stigmatized by bigots with badges.
Of course, there are always a few bad apples that may be glowing for purely illicit reasons, but we do the Radioactive Muslim Community a great disservice by automatically assuming they’re all a threat to our safety. Instead of singling Muslim sites out for scrutiny, all businesses and residences of any kind should be subject to monitoring. The FBI should randomly draw an address out of a hat, and the occupants of The Sunnydale Retirement Home would be asked to remove their shoes and spin around in circles while a uniformed lesbian prods them with a Geiger counter. America hasn’t had a single hijacking since Norm Mineta implemented this brilliant policy at the airports, so there’s no reason why the FBI can’t do the same.
Many who aren't of Arabic origin, nor highly radioactive, may find this approach somewhat of an inconvenience. But once we tolerate racial profiling in any form, we play right into the hands of those who plotted and carried out the 9/11 attacks – the unelected terrorists in the White House.
A classified radiation-monitoring program, conducted without warrants, has targeted private U.S. property in Seattle (Hemp Products).........mmmmmmmm..aha
Keep up the good work Lar....Prof. Chom......
>>>Breaking News ---- Haliburton/Hillary Pact signed..
>>>War continues.......Hillary gets to be next Pres...
>>>More Later..
Good News..... Cheney must of sold Chimpy out!!!!
Ha Ha Ha
By the way, where's Howie?
Posted by: Me | December 27, 2005 at 09:51 PM
Fn'a Right. Bush should have to get warrants. So should the electric meter reader guy. Frickin' electric company and their illegal monitoring of my consumption.
Posted by: Dan L | December 27, 2005 at 10:52 PM
I wish these neo-cons would read the constitution before they trash it. The “peoples right to emit radiation” was right after the “government shall not allow any religion” thingie…
This just goes to show you that "The Bush Administration" has an ongoing war against people with contrary opinions like Mumia Abu-Jamal and Usama Bin Laden.
Posted by: WASP Guilt | December 27, 2005 at 11:27 PM
That Bus-hitler's so dumb, he's probably monitoring for alpha particles from the street! (Sorry -- I was a nuke submariner before I became a progryssyve, and nuclear physics humor always cracks me up...)
Posted by: Bubblehead | December 27, 2005 at 11:35 PM
Hang on I've seen Hollywood movies, and I know that some groups of people are more likely to commit terrorism than others. Therefore I demand that the government start monitoring white, billionaire property developers, and pharmacutical executives, instead of harassing peace loving muslims who happen to have a, collecting weapons grade uranium hobby.
Posted by: Menstrual Rainbow | December 28, 2005 at 02:09 AM
This tragedy just goes to show you what happens when we ignore diversity in the workplace.
If we had more gay cowboys in the FBI, this would never have happened. They would have put those geiger counter wands to better uses.
Posted by: Phallyc Symbyl | December 28, 2005 at 02:25 AM
In my most humble of opinions, I believe Bush put a large yellow round thing in the blueish thing above us in order to spy on me. Its very bright and it hurts my eyes so I can't look at it. Bush must have it loaded with cameras and listening devices in order to infringe on MY privacy. And if that's not bad enough, he's got these big white floating UFO's that are wipsy and sometimes drop water to punish me for thinking bad throughts about the government. These are also filled to the brim with CIA listening devices. Lastly, there's another large ball up there in the big blue thing during the time that it turns blackish and I can't see very well. Someone told me that its called "The Moon". Apparently, Bush's been installing listening devices on it since 1969, long before he stole the erection in 1946.
What's next? Will Bush be installing cameras on animals like asparagus, a toenail clipper, or the fememnist revolution? Will he put cameras on the brown hard thing we step on? Where does he cross the line and how long ago did he do so and where's my mommy so I can go cry to her about it!??!
Posted by: MMM'BILLY | December 28, 2005 at 02:28 AM
It's time to put SCOTUS-Selected ChimpFace Smirky Dumbya Bu$Hitler in his place. He needs to be held accountable. He needs to go on our public airwaves BEFORE his Reich-Wing KKKhristian KKKonservative StormTroopers harass poor, innocent Islamic worshippers and he needs to tell the world exactly how he plans to hunt down terrorists before actually implementing those plans. Now THAT'S good intelligence!!
Posted by: Bush4Ever | December 28, 2005 at 03:37 AM
Them thar Eye-talians is doin' it too!!
Associated Press Writer
Dec 27 7:11 PM US/Eastern
ROME - Fearing possible terrorism at the Turin Olympics, Italian authorities are conducting surveillance on "numerous" people through telephone wiretaps and other intelligence operations, an Italian security official said Tuesday. Luigi Rinella, the Italian police's liaison with the U.S. government, said those under surveillance included suspected Islamic militants, but he stressed that anti-globalization protesters and anarchists could also make trouble during the Feb. 10-26 Games.
Posted by: BillyJoeBob@TheGasStation | December 28, 2005 at 05:10 AM
"Luigi Rinella, the Italian police's liaison with the U.S. government, said those under surveillance included suspected Islamic militants, but he stressed that anti-globalization protesters and anarchists could also make trouble during the Feb. 10-26 Games."
This is most troubling. Not only do they continue to spy on Islamic freedom-fighters, but now they're striking at the very heart of the peace-loving progressyve movement.
"Luigi" is Italian for "Louis". "Louis" has an "o" in it, just like "George" does. Coincidence?!? I think not.
Posted by: The Den Mother | December 28, 2005 at 06:13 AM
Damn, can't the religion of peace make radioactive bombs in peace any more? I mean, does Bu$Hitler think he's J. Edgar Hoover or something?
Posted by: libmeister | December 28, 2005 at 06:25 AM
And now he's mutating innocent wasps to seek out peaceful muslim families' heirloom explosives.
Posted by: DULL | December 28, 2005 at 06:43 AM
Haliburton has opened the first U.S. Gulag. It's located in Northern Alaska to freeze the ba-jezzzus out of them camel jockies.
Posted by: OmarTheTentMaker | December 28, 2005 at 07:13 AM
The only way Bush can make it up to Muslims after this outrage is to reach out to their community by appointing al-Zarqawi head of Homeland Security.
Posted by: Van Helsing | December 28, 2005 at 07:30 AM
You know, you should put some kind of warning up that this site is satrical. Because some of us (no names) jump from site to site, and the stuff one finds here is EXACTLY like the stuff you find on the likes of the Daily Kos (pronounced caos, btw).
Uh, this site is satire, isn't it? I swear I heard MMM'Billy on TV, and he was a Democratic Congressman.
Posted by: DennyK | December 28, 2005 at 08:18 AM
As a progressive, I have a higher Sence of moral right and wrong.
ChimpyMcHitler will let some rethug cave dweller have a handgun to "protect" this family. But he won't let a peacefull, noble Islamic man to have an nuclear dirty bomb to protect his people from the christofascists here in amerikkka.
This all about freedom. The freedom to blow up an city. and the freedom to be blown up in the same city.
Freedom isn't free.
Posted by: Dave | December 28, 2005 at 08:37 AM
And here I was thinking the glow was from their holier-than-thou beliefs translated into action.
Posted by: PTPFP | December 28, 2005 at 09:28 AM
Denny I can assure you this site is not satire. Muslims have the right to be mildly radioactive, unless Chirac and Cindy Sheehan tell us otherwise.
US out of occupied US!
Posted by: aurelius | December 28, 2005 at 09:29 AM
Peace Mother Sheehan (it is so close to BuShaitan it nearly made me and the others at our hourly conspiracy
theorist's meetings have a mental meltdown. But I digress)is a conduit to Higher Spheres and Planes.
Posted by: PTPFP | December 28, 2005 at 09:32 AM
Next thing you know old Chimpy McTurdburgler will be unConstitutionally tracking the sales of lead undergarments. Few Amerikkkans realize that one purpose of the burka, besides demonstrating solidarity with their enlightened Isloggressive brothers is to allow the peaceful Muslibertarian womyn to excercise in privacy wherever they are. Lead garter belts and DU anklets are all the rage in that they are stylish, non-toxic and chisel our sisters beneath the liberating sack into steely, powerful creatures who could outbench press your average Baby Killing Redneck Crew-cutted Enemy of Humanity in uniform. All for the sake of la Revolution, natch. OUTRAGE!
Posted by: megapotamus aka Bush Boned my Schnauzer | December 28, 2005 at 09:37 AM
"Uh, this site is satire, isn't it? I swear I heard MMM'Billy on TV, and he was a Democratic Congressman." ---DennyK
Yes, its true! I admit it! Please vote for me in the upcoming election so I can prevent Bush from installing more listening devices and hidden cameras on "things" in that thing that my aides have told me is called, "The Sky". If my aides are right, a banquet will be held honoring my glorious infinite wisdom and progressive magnificence. If they are wrong, I shall fire them and call for them to apologize publically on live television in order to clear me of any possible blame.
As for this site being satire, that's completely rediculous! Satire is the lowest form of anything lower than the lowest wit, or so my aides have told me. In fact, my mommy and daddy have also disclosed top secret information unto me that the item within "the sky" is often times called "the sun" which I believe to be street slang for "Bush Listening Devices, and cameras ROFLZ yellow thing".
Denny, no this site isn't satire, but one of the most fertile collective gaia hive minds ever created. Many of us are refugees from other sites that are just simply too conservative, such as DU or KOS, to foster the growth of our infinite progressive wisdom.
Posted by: MMM'BILLY | December 28, 2005 at 12:24 PM
As long as these members of the Religion of Peace tune in to radioactive members of Err America like Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, and their ilk, the Rovian thought control waves and their brown-shirted interceptors promise to destroy any sense of comedic delight. These top talents give us Progressyves some of the best thigh slappers we've had in ages. Cutting short the delight in Iraqi kite flying by Bushitan did enough damage to air waves. How much power does this administration want to create Radio-free Err AmeriKKKa? Uranium is not a renewable resource, you know?
Like Timex™, that Bushitan takes a licking but keeps on ticking... but only around AmeriKKKa's "holy cities". Damn those crusading geiger counters. Will census takers be using them next?
Posted by: Truth to Power | December 28, 2005 at 12:38 PM
Those men in black aren't fooling anyone by playing "Radar Love" while they pretend to pick up trash with their pointy sticks around Muslim re-education centers. We Progressyves weren't born yesterday, ya know.
Posted by: Truth to Power | December 28, 2005 at 12:47 PM
Hey, I hear Muslim freedom fighters in America are going to come up with a "We Are the World"-like campaign to burnish their image among increasingly skeptical AmeriKKKans. It's called, "We'll Light Up Your Life (with a holy fission bomb)."
Gaia, you really have to respect these adherents of the religion of peace for trying to reach across the great cultural divide of misunderstanding and stereotypes!
Posted by: libmeister | December 28, 2005 at 03:44 PM
Denny K, if this is a satire site instead of a serious forum for progressyve ideas and conspiracy theories ... I'M OUTTA HERE!
Oh, and its about time we bring AmeriKKKa's stormtroopers home from Iraq. This crap about how it's better to fight terrorists in Iraq than here in our homeland is just more Rovian mind control tricks. Everyone knows if you fight a war its necessary to keep your supply lines and communication lines as short as possible.
Far better AmeriKKKans fight this war (if that's what this really is, we really know it's all about oil) on our own soil since the supply lines would be far shorter, cheaper and efficient! That would leave more money for school lunch programs, if the Muslim freedom fighters are kind enough not to irradiate public school properties with the dirty bombs that Bu$Hitler had specially made for them in secret multi-national armament factories run DicKKK Cheney and Halliburton.
Posted by: libmeister | December 28, 2005 at 03:53 PM