I've always admired Nader's footloose, freewheelin', rock n' roll persona, and I thought he'd be a wonderful addition to the presidential debates. Unfortunately, our opressive two-party system has the democratic process in a hegemonic chokehold once again, and I fear even Nader's promise of legalized crack won't pry it loose.
Still, it would be unwise to completely write Ralph Nader off this election year. The political dynamo is now on the ballot in 34 states, and stands a good chance of putting another 10 under his belt by November. If people finally wake up and realize that Nader is the last, best hope of mankind, I expect he might take at least .015% of the popular vote.
It's a hard pill to swallow, but too many Americans don't appreciate how much Ralph Nader has improved our lives. I can still recall the days before seat belts, when Grandpa would drive me around Vegas in his old Chevy Corsair, my head violently slamming against the dashboard whenever he stopped at an intersection. While I look back fondly on those times as my formative years as a liberal, I am infinitely thankful that Nader the Crusader fought to insure that all new cars have properly installed seatbelts. When he came to speak in Seattle a few months ago, I jumped at the opportunity offer him my undying gratitude for all he's done for me.
An orator of the classical style, Nader does not disappoint. With the dishevelled and unkempt appearance one would expect from a tenured Berkeley professor, he spoke at length about the political whores in D.C. and their corporate pimps, lambasting Bush for being both.
"Bush is a warmongering corporate whore who whores himself out to his corporate whoremasters!" Nader proclaimed before a cheering crowd of twelve at Seattle's Volunteer Park. "John Kerry is a whore too, but not as bad. We must cast off the shackles of global corporate interests and free ourselves from the opressive chains of capitalist whores!"
Utter brilliance. But the audience's wild applause suddenly turned to gasps of shock and horror as Nader stepped from behind his podium and tore off his clothes, revealing the pale, spotted nakedness of a man who has spent too many years under flourescent office lights.
"I will no longer festoon myself with the commercial by-products of megamonopolist slavemasters who profit from the exploitation of the working class!" Nader declared.
I felt a sudden pang of guilt. How long have I worn clothes, at the expense of the working man?
"You'll may also be surprised to know," Nader continued, "that I now refrain from bathing or practicing any personal hygeine whatsoever. Unlike the mega-corporatate whoremongers who pour their unholy industrial wastes into our streams and rivers, I will not allow my bodily filth to pollute our pristine natural resources. Therefore, I proudly store all my urine and fecal matter in small, airtight mayonnaise jars until such a time that they can be safely disposed of without harming the environment or exploiting any labor."
I felt another stab of shame. How long have I been crapping in toilets?
Then something happened that bordered on the Divine - something we Naderites will proudly tell our hunch-backed, androgynous larvae years from now. In mid-sentence, the great Ralph Nader began speaking in complete gibberish.
"It is only when we've rid ourselves of every last vestige of imperialist opression that we can truly be - Fooooogeldymoogunkedy gunkelyhoopity gerp!"
The crowd stared at him in stunned silence for several seconds, not knowing what to make of his bizarre behavior. It was I, and I alone, who truly understood what Mr. Nader was getting at, where he was coming from, and exactly where he was going.
You see, Ralph Nader's not simply some kook at the back of the voter's pamphlet, to be mocked and ridiculed by the likes of you. This is a man with godlike political savvy and superhuman intellect. Every word, every action, every nervous twitch is intentionally crafted to convey a specific message.
So as I watched Nader standing there in his birthday suit, hair in wild disarray, spittle spraying from his mouth as he spouted his transcendental gobbledygook, I knew it was really a symbolic attack on the influence corporate America wields over our lives. From cradle to grave, we're raised to be obedient drones in the fascist hive of commercialism; mindless slaves of the military industrial complex. The way we dress, what we eat, even our very educational system itself is tainted with the stench of capitalist greed.
The public schools, funded by blood money taken from the pockets of the working class, are merely another means of wielding control over the masses and raping the environment. Think about it: How many forests had to be clearcut to supply you with pencils and paper throughout your entire public education? Obviously, Nader is a man of deep feelings and cannot live with that kind of guilt. In a flash of brilliance, he therefore rejected the very language forced upon him by the totalitarian gulags of the mind.
"Moogagamooga McFoogahooga!" Nader gurgled as he clawed around in the dirt for grubs. "Boogagrrrnrkthk!"
I stood there, enraptured by this visionary of the ages, this prophet, this personification of the socialist dream. He was the purified agreggate of all progressive sapience, the logos pouring forth from his toothless cakehole like fresh vomit from a seasick wino. Like Siddartha exploding under the boojum tree, Ralph Nader had reached true liberal enlightenment.
I still recall the look in his eyes as the police dragged him away. I imagine Jesus had the same expression when the ancient Republicans nailed him to a cross for his liberal views. But just as Christ rose from the manger or whatever it was, Ralph Nader will rise from the ashes of his political career to lead us to Paradise.