As I listened to Judas Iscariot's vitriolic tirade last night, I was reminded that he's merely one of a few remaining Dixiecrat racists who haven't quite yet left the DNC for the welcoming embrace of the RepubliKKKan party. Before you accuse me of hyberbole, consider that this cartoonish heretic speaks with a Southern accent, stands firmly against abortion rights, and consistently votes against democrats on every issue. It's spelled N-A-Z-I, folks.
Like Hitler, Miller also speaks passionately and the crowd loves him. He's very theatrical and employs alot of dramatic hand gestures. Contrast this with a great speaker like Jimmy Carter, who talks in a soft, nonconfrontational whisper and allows himself to be dwarfed by the podium.
The most damning evidence of Miller's Nazi leanings is the above photo of him wearing a nazi party armband and sporting a Hitler mustache. When I first saw it, I was stunned. With the repugnicans trying so desperately to hide their true faces, I couldn't believe they'd allow him to actually walk out onto the stage and give a speech dressed in full GOP regalia!
Then I remembered that I kind drew the 'stache and armband on myself after about 17 bong hits last night. Nonetheless, it's a perfect way to illustrate how Miller is Nazi without the added burden of having to back up your assertions.
I'm surprised no one has thought of doing it before.
Tonight, I'm going to try to "live blog" the Shrub's speech.
Fellow posters, help me out here...Why do I find this idea so frightening? "Tonight, I'm going to try to "live blog" the Shrub's speech."
Posted by: JannyMae | September 02, 2004 at 12:14 PM
Oh Larry, you are a BAD boy.
Posted by: Cheney W. Halliburton | September 02, 2004 at 12:28 PM
The photograph might not be "true" or "real" in a technical, legalistic sense, but it speaks to a greater truth, with 100% complete accuracy, and I think we can all agree that, at the end of the day, this is what matters most.
Posted by: Heinrich Himmler | September 02, 2004 at 12:52 PM
Mr. Himmler, could you make that a little less clear, please? I almost understood it!
Posted by: JannyMae | September 02, 2004 at 01:20 PM
Like dude, I soo totally didn't need to read after I saw the pic -- Righteous investigator gerbalism!! You rock Larry!
Posted by: bahabuddha™ | September 02, 2004 at 02:33 PM
So what you're saying Larry, is that
Hitler was a baptist preacher?
I bet if you do the math just right
Zell (Z=Omega) Miller comes out numerically as 666!
I'm sure glad to be a New Age Orthodox Agnostic Angliterian Quaker. I don't have to worry about any of this scarey stuff.
And now I know what the RePakyderms have really been saying then: "Give em Heil Zell!" *shudder*
Posted by: CoLoRaDo KiT cAt | September 02, 2004 at 03:14 PM
"Jimmy Carter [...] allows himself to be dwarfed by the podium."
Buy that man a bigger podium.
Posted by: aelfheld | September 02, 2004 at 06:46 PM
Whew! What a hottie! Dat little mustache just does so much for me...I LOVE a Nazi in uniform! I am going to faint!
Posted by: La Femme Crickita | September 07, 2004 at 07:38 AM
Oh, and the schwastika red that matches Republican Red.
TOOOOOOOOoooo divine! Be still my beating heart! Janna Mae, you are going to have some competition on this Billy Bubba! pant pant
Posted by: La Femme Crickita | September 07, 2004 at 07:39 AM