Hurricane Bonnie slammed into the Florida coast this morning and Charley's not far behind, threatening to turn the southern part of the state into a huge swamp. There's no question that these giant storms are the work of El Niño, which is caused by El Busho refusing to ratify El Kyoto. But with the presidential election three months away, I can't help being a little skeptical about the timing of these events. Is it a mere coincidence that two hurricanes almost simultaneously slam into a highly contested state in the 2000 elections? Florida is full of people who are still bitter from being ripped off by Bush four years ago, and they're just itching to get their revenge on him in the voting booth this year. What better way to disenfranchise thousands of rural blacks, undocumented workers, cuban exiles, flamboyant homosexuals, and elderly Holocaust victims than to kill them with a series of seemingly "random" natural disasters?
Meanwhile, Bushie is conveniently hundreds of miles away in warm, dry Las Vegas, futilely trying to explain to the big-haired locals why he dumped tons of radioactive nuclear waste on their pristine Nevada wilderness.
If it weren't so horrifyingly insane, it would almost be funny.
Stinkin Bush and that VRWC. Just imagine all the crickets that will drown! I am depressed!
Posted by: JannyMae | August 12, 2004 at 10:19 PM
You're a jerk, Liberal Larry, I had the same idea and you robbed me of it.
Posted by: spacemonkey | August 13, 2004 at 07:23 AM
FYI, he's dumping the radioactive waste under the "pristine Nevada wilderness.
Posted by: aelfheld | August 13, 2004 at 10:46 AM
But I thought you liberals were all in favor of restoring Florida to its pre-Columbian splendor.
And come on -- you like a fever swamp as much as the next leftie. Admit it.
Posted by: Cheney W. Halliburton | August 13, 2004 at 02:34 PM
It's a Vast Right Wing Weather Machine. Originally called the 3DBB, it was invented by Phineas J. Whoopie and soon stolen by Chumley who, much like Bushie, liked to play dumb but was really an evil genius. Oh, it's true bucko. I read all about it on the DU website.
Posted by: Scott R | August 13, 2004 at 10:12 PM
Do you idiots really think BUSH caused the hurricanes that hit Florida....if he is that powerful, how can you even think you have a chance getting that bum Kerry elected.
Posted by: ChuckM | September 23, 2004 at 03:41 PM
one more thing.....Grow UP you pinko commie s*it-for-brains...remember what someone said a long time ago..."What Me Worry?" and, Hey, what's up with that Fatso Algore???? Wow, did he pack on the pounds.
I would like to blame BUSHie for the Great weather we have had for the past 2 months...can I do that?
I wish we would have MORE Global's great! Hey, tell those Watermelon Greenies that Global Warming is coming to a City near by...SOON!
Posted by: ChuckM | September 23, 2004 at 03:47 PM
I think you guys have actually lost it now...Bush in control of the weather???You better put up the Bat signal or contact the Superfriends since only Lex Luther has that power and you are definitely in a fantasy world...Kerry will lose and so will Hilary.
Posted by: Kevin | September 24, 2004 at 05:29 AM
Watch as the liberal movement crumbles, and reveals the soliloquy of the dead and dying. This is all they have left, pitiful and sorrowful. So run little liberals run and hide because America is headed for a revival of the greatest kind.
Posted by: Adam | March 29, 2005 at 06:45 PM