Condoleeza's no doubt in hot water with her massah over that little slip up yesterday. As the title of a classified memo shockingly reveals, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States". I know, I was floored when I heard it, too. I mean, who the hell knew?
Apparently, Bush knew, yet did nothing. Once this memo is completely declassified and Bush's dirty little lies are exposed to the whole world, it may even be discovered that Osama has hated us for a long, long time. If so, why didn't Bush do anything about it? Why didn't he ground all the planes, close the airports, evacuate every tall building in the country? Why didn't he hold out an olive branch of peace and understanding to Al Qaeda, so that we could avoid this bloody war, and join hands as brothers and sisters under one big, giant, rainbow of love?
Because Karl Rove wanted to make John Kerry look bad, that's why.
Democrats have always been proud believers in the concept of "patriotic dissent", and we don't typically engage in flag-waving displays of mindless jingoism. Rove knew that if terrorists attacked the U.S., democrats would appear - at least, to the average, uneducated voter - to be rallying behind the terrorists. So he told Bush to ignore all the red lights, snub Richard Clarke, and basically spend the morning of 9/11 reading "Curious George" to school kids.
Too bad George wasn't more curious, or 3,000 innocent Americans would be alive today, and hundreds of bereaved widows wouldn't have to cry their eyes out on Katie Couric's TV show every morning.
Look what happened when we failed to make Bill The Groper Clinton . .. President for Life (or a maximum TEN terms, whichever comes last) .... with a subsequent Peron-style inheritance of the post to his loving wife.
We certainly blew a fantastic opportunity.
Posted by: Larry(really) | April 10, 2004 at 05:47 AM
You know they were considering putting clinton under oath, but then the bi-partism 911 commision realized what happened last time Clinton was under oath, and decided it was not worth it.
Posted by: cube | April 13, 2004 at 06:18 AM