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lets kill that bigot. if he wins im moving to canada


Listen up you dumbass queers.

You have totally ruined society and all that it could have been with your dumbass notions of equal rights.

Being gay is not healthy, it is not christian, it is not acceptable.

Marriage is a Christian Tradition, not a queer one. No where does it say in the bible to stick your dick up other peoples chocolate holes does it?

You have no right to ask for marriage, you have no right to adopt children either. If you can't meet a girl and make your own baby then you have no right to adopt. If you are a normal person and adopt and are married cause your girl cannot have children then so be it, but as a gay you have no rights at all when it comes to all that which is normal, marriage, adoption, acceptance.

You are lucky you are not stoned or burned at the stake you fukkiing moron's.

You really have ruined life and society and healthy normal culture. Don't you get it? Instead of repling to this saying im a biggot or some other lameass comment why don't you just read this and accept it as it is and learn from it and stop your retardational acts of bugging real citizens for rights that you have NO RIGHT TO!!

You want to stick your dick in peoples asses and suck on dick and eat cum, well i dont agree with that but don't be asking for normal social acceptance and marriage benefits or anything else.

By the way jerk, I'm in Canada, and if you dare show your dumbass fag face around here we will surely stone your ass back to the United States.

You have no idea how much Canadians hate Queer's and you think it's hard in the U.S? You have no idea dude, we will cut off your balls and string your lamess neck to a bridge!


God so much hate , I don't understand ?
No where in the (bible) does it talk about the gays , in lavittigues it says one shaw not layyy with a nother man, it does not say you should run your trash mouth , if you where here I WOLD BEND YOU OVER MY PORSHE AND FUCK U WITH A BAT >> you peace of shit. Get a life


Another great post, Larry!


That guy is obviously not very well educated. Are Canadian schools up to par? He makes me doubt it. Thank God that canuck's trailer is in Canada and not here because I think Americans would be the ones to string his neck to a bridge. By the way: gay marriage is legal in Canada, they must not hate us that much? Just a thought.

fucking die you straight scum

AIDS in the gay community has decreased every year since 1990. Meanwhile, in the filthy, disease ridden straight community it is on the rise. Straights are perverts that can't control their sick disgusting animalistic lust.


I believe that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. But in the Bible it also speaks of how no one should be able to judge other than God himself. Some of you may believe this or not. I am not here to hate or to discriminate. Therefore I choose to live my life in a striaght relationship. I have tons of friends that live in the same sex realtionships. I am still their friends... I choose not to judge them. If they love one another who am I to say its wrong!! I don't belive anyone should be able to tell you who you have the right to love and care for. I just dont understand why we all cant let one live their life. If you dont agree with gays find.... but dont discriminate.


I believe that God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. But in the Bible it also speaks of how no one should be able to judge other than God himself. Some of you may believe this or not. I am not here to hate or to discriminate. Therefore I choose to live my life in a striaght relationship. I have tons of friends that live in the same sex realtionships. I am still their friends... I choose not to judge them. If they love one another who am I to say its wrong!! I don't belive anyone should be able to tell you who you have the right to love and care for. I just dont understand why we all cant let one live their life. If you dont agree with gays find.... but dont discriminate.


Simply, Love is Love. Gays cannot choose to be gay just like straights cannot choose to be straight. People cannot choose who they are attracted to and people cannot choose who they are not attracted to. And even if they could, why should it make any difference that people are gay? Imagine if you were gay, always being discriminated against? Not nice, is it now? Well, that's what you homophobes put gays, lesbians and transgenders through everyday. Also, i would've thought that gays would be good for a guy who is trying to get a hot girlfriend. No competition, and if he has a boyfriend, he takes his boyfriend out of the equation as well, giving you more of a chance of getting this girl. The same applies for women, lesbians and boyfriends. Who are you to call people sick and wrong when you are a fucking, moronic homophobe who deserves to go to hell himself and have his body encased in magma after having all his nails and hair pulled out and being put on the rack for being so damn fucking igronant. People who are so narrow-minded really piss me off. If i ever meet a homophobe, or anyone else who discriminates for no reason, im gonna kill them.


lol silly fagots dics are for chix,when it comes down to it homosexual relations by all rules of nature is simply unnatural. But as has been said before I have no right to judge. When it comes down to cold hard facts if homosexuality was a genetic trait they would have been extinct minutes after ever appearing, since last time I checked homosexuals cant reproduce with other homosexuals. Furthers more is the christian standpoint. Apparently homosexuals have created there own church under God, there own denomination so to speak, let us not blow this out of proportion since christians decide to change there stories and beliefs to fit there lifestyle all the time hence catholisism and lutherens.


um just so that one stupid bigot doesnt ruin it for the rest of us with his completely close-minded post, I'm Canadian and I love gay people, and a lot of other Canadians do as well. Despite what this hypocrite says.

times are changing, accept it.

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